Group Coaching

If there was a way to accelerate your growth and leadership influence, wouldn’t you do it? Are you ready to improve your connections, relationships, and your leadership role?
If you answered YES to the above, then you’re ready to join Group Coaching. Group Coaching happens when a select group comes together. It’s magical and I want you in this upcoming experience.
Group Coaching has become the fastest growing coaching model. This is because Group Coaching can achieve great results.
Why is it so effective? According to Harvard Business Review, reasons include:
Immersion into real-time group dynamics
Insights from diverse perspectives
Opportunities to practice new skills in a safe space.
A built-in accountability system
A support network that will last beyond the coaching program.
Group Coaching solves this problem by putting the focus on real-world problem solving, brainstorming, and accountability from one’s own peers within the group.
The Definition of Group Coaching
What is Group Coaching?
Also known as “Peer Group Coaching,” it’s a method where one coach supports a group of people as they strive to improve certain behaviors or outcomes. The coach facilitates a psychologically safe environment for the participants to talk, share, discover, and support each other in group coaching, the participants don’t have to actually work together in their day-to-day roles, and the focus is on improving each individual.
The goal is of course to improve the behaviors and skills of the group members. As with any talent development initiative, just ask yourself, “What skill or behavior do I/we want to be great at?”
The benefit of Group Coaching is that it is the most effective way to develop talent and capability.
Individuals who are participating in the group develop strength and confidence among group members, there will be a natural improvement in working across different areas of life and business.
The benefits to you as participants are numerous:
• Improvement in the targeted behavior or objective
• Improved active listening and coaching skills as a byproduct of service as a peer-coach
• Increased engagement from forming more at-work friendships.
• Increased resilience knowing there are numerous peers who “have your back.”
• Increased accountability and commitment knowing peers will be doing a check-in.
The Benefits of Group Coaching
Example of the flow of conversations:
Impostor Syndrome
Participants notice and record their impostor-like thoughts.
Participants activate positive self-talk in response to impostor thoughts.
Limiting Believe
Change your story, change your life.
Participants ask team members to give them candid feedback.
Participants give only positive feedback.
Participants begin to give constructive feedback.
Group Coaching session with a cohort of peers
"It’s said that a wise person learns from his mistakes. A wiser one learns
from others' mistakes. But the wisest person of all learns from others' successes." - John C. Maxwell